Main Fortress

The fortress dominates the entire city and, after the Basilica of St. Francis, it is the first monument that first strikes the visitor’s eye as he approaches Assisi. 

From the clearing in front of the fortress, the town center can be seen below and this high point offers one of the finest panoramas of the entire Spoleto Valley. 
The massive construction of this former military building can be seen by visiting the fortress both inside and out. 
It has recently been restored and the simplicity and stateliness of the structures can be appreciated in many of its halls 
Pending a final decision as to the building should be used, exhibits and art shows are frequently held here. 
During ancient times, the Umbrian tribes probably built an early stronghold on this site. A fortress was built subsequently and is documented as far back as 1174. 
Frederick II of Swabia stayed here as a child. 
Cardinal Albornoz had the Main Fortress rebuilt during the second half of the fourteenth century and had a number of strongholds constructed in order to give the 
Papal state a better military configuration. 
Further work was done subsequently on the fortress, such as reinforcement of the keep towards the end of the fourteenth century and, later still, the reconstruction of 
the twelve-sided tower. When the castle was no longer used for defense purposes, it fell into a state of neglect.

Small Fortress

In the past, the Rocca Minore was also quite important from a military viewpoint. It is set on high ground to the right of the Main Fortress and at one time, was also 
connected to it. However, the small fortress was built more recently that the Main Fortress.