Artistic aspects of the Upper Basilica


The homage of a simple man 

This scene is set in the Main Square in Assisi. The Temple of Minerva (which actually has six columns rather than five, as it is depicted here) is in the background. A man spreads his cloak on the ground as a sign of homage to Francis. 

Francis donates his cloak to a poor man 

In an area outside the city, St. Francis encounters a poor knight and donates his cloak to him. The walls and houses of Assisi are depicted on the upper left side. 

Francis’s vision of the palace filled with weapons 

While Francis is sleeping, he is swept away by a dream of a palace filled with arms. However, Francis is unable to grasp the true symbolism of that dream. The weapons that the Lord has shown him are spiritual arms. 

Francis and the Crucifix at St. Damian 

Francis goes to St. Damian’s, a small church set on a gently sloping hillside. As he prays before the Crucifix, God speaks to him and exhorts him to repair His house, which is in ruins. 

Francis renounces worldly goods 

This is one of the most dramatic scenes of his conversion. By this time, Francis has definitively renounced the luxuries of a worldly life and has stripped himself of his possessions. The Bishop of Assisi covers him with his mantle while his father, Peter Bernardone, is being held back by another man. 

The dream of Innocent III 

In a dream, Pope Innocent III has a vision of the Lateran church as it is about to collapse and is being held up by a little man to keep it from being destroyed: that man is Francis. 

The approval of the Rule 

Pope Innocent III, surrounded by his assistants, receives Francis and his friars. Before such humility and certain of the truth of the Franciscans’ words, the Head of the Church grants his approval of the Rule. 

The fiery chariot 

One night while the friars were gathered together at the hovel in Rivortorto, they had a mysterious vision of Francis in a fiery chariot being drawn by horses. 

Francis’ heavenly throne 

The throne that once belonged to Lucifer is now intended for Francis. The angel is showing one of the friars that this place has been set aside for the Poor One, who is kneeling in prayer. 

Exorcism of the demons from Arezzo 

Francis is kneeling in prayer. Standing nearby is Brother Sylvester, who has been inspired by divine will to cast the demons from the city of Arezzo, which is surrounded by crenellated walls. 

Francis at the court of Sultan Melek el-Kamel 

Francis proves his faith through his willingness to walk through the fire together with the Muslim priests, but they refuse. 

Ecstasy of St. Francis 

The astonished friars have a vision of Francis: surrounded by a cloud, the Saint is talking to God. 

Francis and the Crèche in Greccio 

In the town of Greccio, near Rieti, Francis makes the first crèche, one of Christianity’s most beloved traditions. Before a large crowd, the Poor One, who is being assisted by his friars, gently places the Christ Child in a manger. 

The Miracle of the spring 

As they are traveling, one of the men who was with Francis began to complain that he was very thirsty. Therefore, the saint said to him, "Go to that rock and you will find running water". This image of the saint with his hands folded together as he prays to God is filled with grandeur. 

The Sermon to the Birds 

This is one of the cycle’s most idyllic scenes. Francis stopped briefly near the town of Bevagna near a flock of birds, which perched perfectly still to observe him and listen. 

Francis foretells the death of the knight of Celano 

In the town of Celano, in the Abruzzi region, a knight has invited Francis to dinner, but Francis predicts that the knight will not finish sharing a meal with him. The knight thus makes his confession and then passes away. The tragic expressions of the figures standing around the knight make this scene highly dramatic. 

Francis before Honorius III 

Francis’ simplicity and humility before the lavishness of the papal court: the Head of the Church listens pensively to Francis’ sermon. 

Francis appears at Arles 

Francis appears during the Chapter meeting held by the friars at Arles, in France. The sermon being given by Blessed Anthony is not interrupted, since the vision has appeared to only one friar. 

Francis receives the Stigmata 

This is one of the most important events in Franciscanism. Francis receives the Stigmata while he is on Mount La Verna. 

Francis’ death 

In the lower part of the fresco is Francis’ body, surrounded by his weeping friars, whereas the upper part depicts the throng of priests gathered for their last farewell. The angels above them are accompanying the Poor One to heaven. 

Brother Augustine and the Bishop 

This scene is divided into two sections. On the left, Brother Augustine is told about the Saint’s death and is filled with an ardent desire to follow him. In the other section, Bishop Guido of Assisi, who is far away, has a vision of the Francis’ death. 

A knight verifies the Stigmata 

An incredulous knight wants to ascertain Francis’ Stigmata in person. He approaches the Saint’s body and verifies the Stigmata. The knight’s name was Jerome. 

The mourning of the Poor Clares 

As Francis’s body is being brought from the Porziuncola to the church of St. George, the procession stops at St. Damian’s, where St. Clare and her "sisters" bid Francis their final farewell. 

The canonization of St. Francis 

This scene depicts the Saint’s canonization, which took place in Assisi on July 16, 1228, in a ceremony officiated by Pope Gregory IX. 

Francis appears to the Pope 

During his sleep, the pope is filled with doubt over the wound in Francis’ side. Francis himself then appears to him and this drives all uncertainty from the pontiff’s mind. 

The healing of John 

A man by the name of John, who was devoted to the Saint, was assaulted. He is lying on his deathbed and the doctors have given up all hope. Francis appears and the man is miraculously healed. 

Francis brings a devout woman back to life 

Francis intercedes with the Lord so that a woman devoted to him will obtain the grace of coming back to life. The woman then sits up in bed and confesses her sins to a friar. Note the angel driving the devil away. 

The Liberation of Peter 

Unjustly imprisoned, a man named Peter turns devoutly to Francis and the prison gate suddenly opens.  

The vault depicting the four Doctors of the Church 

(Gregory, Augustine, Ambrose and Jerome) 

The Crucifixion

Time has altered this valuable work.